Microwave Banana Cupcake

Microwave Banana Cupcake is a quick recipe. I'm not a pro-microwave cooking person, but sometimes it do make some work easy. For this holiday season my no oil or butter microwave cupcakes are easy and delicious to serve.


Banana Ripe- 2
Brown Sugar- 1/2 cup
Nuts- 1/2 cup (any)
Baking Powder- 1tsp and half
Eggs- 2
Salt- 1/2 tsp
Vanilla Extract- 1/2 tsp
Flour- 2 cups (1 all purpose and 1 whole wheat)

* This is no oil cup cake as I made it in microwave, but if you want add 4 tbsp of melted butter to make it more rich in texture.
* Don't make this before hand, just 1 hour before serving is good.
* Dont' keep in fridge, as it tends to get little dense and tighter.
* It's a quick fix recipe, and frosting it help to make tastier.
* To replace eggs add 1/2 cup thick curd/hung curd and 1/4 tsp baking soda


Mix all the ingredients (leave flour and baking powder) in a bowl.

Sieve the flour and baking powder.

Fill in the bowl with  cup cake liner, add some topping if you wish, here it doesn't taste that good, so I made rest without them.

Bake for 1 minute , or as per the microwave heat setting.

Merry Christmas.


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