Oat & Whole-Wheat Pancakes

Oat & Whole-Wheat Pancakes Stacked up pancakes are one of my favorite breakfast, the drizzling syrup, the dollop up butter with your favorite fruits it's both soothing to eyes and cheering for the tummy. Here, I have prepared an oat and whole wheat flour pancakes which makes its way to my son's lunch box too. Nutritional value This recipe serves six small pancakes with max 88 calories each. It has oat, whole wheat flour, egg and milk in it. So the pancakes are packed with protein, magnesium, good fiber and vitamins. Whole Wheat- 202 kcal Oat Flour-196 kcal Egg-70 cal Sugar= 60 kcal Total Calories- 528 kcal calories per pancake- 88 kcal Servings- 3 Ingredients Dry 1/2 cup - Whole Wheat flour 1/2 cup -Oat Flour 3 tablespoon sugar (any kind) 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder A pinch of salt and baking soda Wet 1/2 cup warm milk 1/4 teaspoon- Vanilla Essence 1 Egg Other 1 tablespoon oil/butter for preparing Preparation time-20 mins Cooking...